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HomeNewsHuman milk depot opens in Prince George

Human milk depot opens in Prince George

The University Hospital of Northern BC opened one of the province’s newest human milk depots on July 25.

It is the northernmost depot for the BC Women’s Hospital Provincial Milk Bank, which supplies pasteurized human milk to neo-natal intensive care units (NICUs).

Frances Jones, Coordinator of Lactation Services and BC Women’s Provincial Milk Bank, says they’re expanding the collection system, opening a total of 6 new depots in the lower mainland, on Vancouver Island and here in the north.

“We will look forward to being able to ship pasteurized donor milk to the NICU’s in the province. The NICU’s are the nurseries with the smallest, sickest patients.”

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Jones says babies born prematurely or with severe illnesses benefit especially from human milk. The provincial milk bank steps in to provide donated milk in situations where mother’s milk is not an option.

The BC Women’s Hospital Provincial Milk Bank screens its donors for infectious diseases, including HIV, syphilis and hepatitis. Donated milk is pasteurized before distribution. While the bulk of donations go to hospitals, a prescription from a doctor or midwife is all that’s needed to apply for donated milk.

Jones says they’re hoping more depots will mean more donations.

“Understandably, it’s been challenging for mothers to donate milk in the North and now with Prince George having a depot, that will make it much easier.”

Last year, 300 women in BC signed up to donate milk. Each donor is asked to make a total donation of more than 4 litres – the volume helps keep screening costs down. Most donors are women who are able to nurse their own child while also collecting milk to donate.

“They’re an amazing group because they do all that work and they do it for children they’ll never see. It’s an amazing gift and it makes a huge difference in the lives of the children who receive those donations.”

Frances says women in the Prince George wishing to donate should contact Northern Health.

You can find more information about the BC Women’s Hospital Provincial Milk Bank here.

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