The weather was looking a little iffy this morning but the sun came out and hundreds turned up for the Fun City Sliders thousand foot slip and slide down University Hill.
Sliders were grateful for the break in the weather.
“It was really fun, said Emily.“If it rained, it would’ve been a little cold.”
“It was a blast – it was awesome,” said her sliding pal, Rylin.
Some grabbed day passes for 8 hours of unlimited sliding.
“Actually it was pretty wicked,” said Emily. “I didn’t think it would be so good.”
“My name is Charisse. I had an awesome time. It is so frikkin’ wicked. We’ve been down four times and we’re gonna have lots of fun!”
“However many times we can get our legs up this hill,” Emily added.

For Jessie, Kyla and Jim, 3 slides down – and three hikes back up University Hill, were enough.
For others, just a few slides down – and a few hikes back up University Hill – were enough.
“Lots of fun!” – Jessie
“Been a total blast!” – Kyla
“Yah, lots of fun, lots of sliding!” – Jim.
“We’re done – three slides, that’s it!” – Jessie
Sliding goes until 6pm. The event was organized by the Fun City Sliders and the Northern YMCA to raise money to help local families attend YMCA camps and programs.
University Way will remain closed to traffic until 10pm this evening.
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