You can help out the less fortunate by jumping on the bus this Canada Day.
Select buses running to Lheidli T’enneh Memorial Park will only cost $1 or one non-perishable food item. All donations will go to the Salvation Army.
BC Transit spokesperson Drew Snider says this is a unique event.
“Transit doesn’t normally operate on (statutory) holidays in Prince George. For Canada Day, it’s something special because there’s they celebrations going on at the park and lots of opportunities for people to get in there and get into the spirit of things,” he says.
Prince George Transit Planner Josephine Macharia says this is also a great way to get acquainted with public transit.
“We’re already providing the service and we’d just for people to get involved in it, and we think that the opportunity to make a donation to something like the food bank is a great way to get people more engaged,” she says.
The Caledonia, Hart, and Wal-mart lines will all run from 10:30 AM to 6:30 PM. You can still use your tickets and passes if you’d like.
There are park-and-ride spots at Westgate Exchange, Hart Centre, Spruceland Mall and Pine Centre Mall.
Last year, the bus had 585 Canada Day riders who donated 61 non-perishables.
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