Search and rescue operations in the Prince George and Robson Valley areas are about to get a technological boost. The Regional District has come through with $32,000 for some high tech gear.
“Not only have they confirmed that we’re getting the money but we’re getting it all in one shot, says Jeff Smedley, a search manager with Prince George Search and Rescue. “Initially we were told it would potentially be over two years. This is going to go toward iPad mapping systems for McKenzie, McBride and Prince George.”
The teams will receive iPads, cases and extra battery packs along with GPS tracking and mapping software that will allow them to update search area maps in real time. Smedley says the new devices will bring SAR teams in line with other districts in the province.
“This program got started in the Nechako Valley. All SAR teams to the west of us are on board with this. A couple of us from Prince George were able to go to some of their training program dn we recognized that this is an excellent tool for mapping out in the field. It makes things a whole lot easier!”
Smedley says it will make things much easier for teams conducting search operations in large, remote areas. Searchers can update their progress in real time, leading to more effective organization of rescue operations.
“This can go on your iPhone, it can go on an iPad mini. The idea is that you’ll be able to go out in the field even with your iPhone with the GPS tracking system on, which is like a $15 app, and we’ll be able to take your tracks and put it into the search map. It will increase the information that we’re able to get from a number of different sources.”
Smedley says each equipped iPad will cost about $1,000 with 34 devices in total being distributed to teams. The extra battery packs allow for more than 20 hours of screen time during long searches.
Thirty-four iPads equipped with the software, cases and extra battery packs will be distributed amongst SAR teams in Prince George, McKenzie and McBride.
While there’s no firm deadline for disbursing the money, Smedley says he expects to have the iPads operational over the course of the summer.
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