–Guard Mercedes VanKoughnett has been named the UNBC Timberwolves female athlete of the year for the second consecutive season while power forward Charles Barton is the Twolves male athlete of the year. UNBC handed out individual awards at its athletic banquet.
VanKoughnett finished her five years with the Timberwolves as the top overall scorer for the women’s team with 1258 points. She also ranks second in defensive rebounds & assists.
Barton, after only three years playing for UNBC, tops the team in rebounds per game (7.2). In addition, he also sits second with 452 career rebounds, and sixth in overall scoring with 784 points.
Complete list of award winners:
UNCB Timberwolves Awards (all athletes are eligible for these awards, not team specific)
Female Athlete of the Year – Mercedes VanKoughnett, Â women’s basketball
Male Athlete of the Year – Charles Barton, men’s basketball
Female Rookie of the Year – Fiona Raymond, women’s soccer
Male Rookie of the Year – Tofa Fakunle, men’s soccer
Men’s Soccer:
Best Defensive Player – Ty Venhola
Golden Boot – Tofa Fakunle
MVP – Tyson Hunter
Coach’s award – Connor Noftle
Women’s Soccer:
Best Defensive Player – Tanya Grob
Best Offensive Player – Sydney Hall
MVP – Sydney Wilson
Green and Gold Award – Tianna Rossi
Men’s Basketball:
Rookie of the Year – Marcus MacKay
Bets Defensive Player – Dan Stark
Most Outstanding Player – Charles Barton
Zane Robison Award – Jeff Chu
Most Inspirational Player – Devin McMurtry
Women’s Basketball:
Best Defensive Player – Emily Kaehn
MVP – Mercedes VanKoughnett
Most Improved – Sarah Robin
Rookie of the Year – Mavia Nijjer