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HomeNewsCity of Prince George unveils road rehab schedule

City of Prince George unveils road rehab schedule

Road crews in Prince George will be hitting the pavement soon.

The 2016 construction season will see a $7 million dollar paving budget once again.

This year’s workload should be very similar to last year according to Manager of Roads and Fleet, Blake Mcintosh.

“We did 58 lane kilometres of paving last year and this year should be about the same.”

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Some of the major projects include :

Foothills Boulevard from 5th avenue to 1st Avenue
Milwaukee Way from Boundary Road to Willow Cale Road
5th Avenue from Carney Street to Victoria Street.

Maps of the planned changes can be found below;

Roads scheduled to be repaved
Roads scheduled to be repaved

Sidewalks planned for rehab
Sidewalks planned for rehab

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