First time renters in BC can now have a chance to educate themselves, and take part in an on-line course; ‘Renting It Right!’
Acting Executive Director with the Tenant Resource and Advisory Centre, Jane Mayfield first time renters often get a rude awakening when it comes to cost. “Rent is really expensive all over BC, I think a lot of newer renters don’t realize all the extra costs that come with it. It’s not just your rent you have parking, utilities and laundry… we get students thinking about how much it really costs to rent, like all those extra costs above your base rent.”
“The course also talks about the significance of finding a tenancy agreement, we get students thinking about their legal rights and responsibilities that come with that so once they move in they are prepared to have a successful tenancy.”
Although the video based course is targeted at new renters, anyone can take part.
A certificate will be available to anyone to passes the final exam.
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