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HomeNewsNorthern Medical Grad hired by BC Cancer Agency Centre

Northern Medical Grad hired by BC Cancer Agency Centre

A Northern Medical Grad from UNBC is the new medical oncologist for the BC Cancer Agency Centre in Prince George.

Dr. Sarah Roberts graduated from the program in 2010 and says bringing graduates back home enhances the local medical field.

“When recent grads are able to come back it creates fresh blood into the pool of the medical community and I think it increases attraction for other local students to come.”

Northern Medical Program Head, Paul Winwood says the physician shortage in the north is starting to shrink.

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“When the Northern Medical Program started there was a huge shortage of physicians across the north and we still have them but they are much less now in Prince George. Sarah is the second of our grads to come back working in her speciality and I think we will see more of that in the coming years.”

Upon graduation new MD’s are required to undergo two to five years of medical residency training before becoming fully licensed.

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