The Long Track skating program in Prince George is back for another year thanks to the Outdoor Oval and the PG Blizzard Speed Skating Club.
President of the Oval Society and Speed Skating Club, Kathy Lewis says a number of sessions will be held.
“We have 8 sessions and they take place Wednesday nights from 7:00 to 8:30 and Saturday mornings from 10:00 to 12:00.”
Lewis adds the program is a good pre-cursor for the gruelling Ice Man event next month.
“Part of the Iceman is the 5 kilometre skate and this training session will really improve their technique so they get longer glide and go faster with less effort.”
The cost is 40 dollars and all participants will be registered as member of the PG Blizzard Speed Skating Club for the duration of the program.
All entries must be received by January 13th.
Limited rental speed skates are available in adult sizes.
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