The Prince George RCMP is handling lesser crimes through the Restorative Justice program.
Community Policing Coordinator, Linda Parker says the new system allows the offender to right the wrong.
“It is an opportunity for the offender to apologize and understand the victims perspective.”
Parker adds a decision is made through a collaborative process.
“The agreement arrived upon is a decision between the victim and the offender and their supporters so it could include a letter of apology.”
A community justice forum includes both the victim and the offender with their support staffs, the arresting officer and a facilitator.
The program is a healthy alternative to the court system for persons with little or no police involvement.
It focuses on less serious crimes which cause an extra burden on the court system.
Last Friday, RCMP Community Policing had their first Restorative Justice case involving a youth accused of shoplifting from a local business.
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