“It’s common for a new leader to bring a bump in the polls but this is kind of unprecedented.”
That’s from UNBC Political Science Instructor Jason Morris on the impact new Liberal Leader Mark Carney has had leading up to the spring election set for April 28th.
Morris told Vista Radio it’s too soon to tell whether the popularity spike will be enough to remain in power.
“We don’t know if it’s a trend or if it is just Canadians thinking there is a fresh new face let’s give that a shot. That makes the campaign very important.”
Morris added the 2025 federal vote is no longer just about the Carbon Tax.
He mentioned the re-insertion of Donald Trump as US President along with his trade war on our country has changed the narrative completely.
“That’s because the top issue is now outside of our border and is as if all the parties are considering how they could vote for the Democrats and remove the US President., As well, the Liberal party has moved to the right and taken away a lot of the thunder the Conservatives have had.”
“With that being said, the economy is always a big issue in any election campaign except it’s just that instead of looking at local jobs or diversification of industry, we are looking at international trade.”
Pollsters say it’s a two-horse race right now, with the Liberals holding a slight edge over the Conservatives.
Carney kicked off his campaign with a pledge to reduce the lowest income tax bracket from 15 percent to 14.
He also says his party needs a strong mandate from Canadians to deal with the threat of American tariffs.
Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre said he’ll be respectful but firm with U-S President Donald Trump.
The NDP’s Jagmeet Singh insists the two main parties will only work for the rich, and ignore the needs of ordinary Canadians
The candidate nomination deadline is 2 pm on April 7th, while advance voting will be held April 18th through the 21st.
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