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HomeNewsUpdate: affected number of Prince George residents reduced for planned outage

Update: affected number of Prince George residents reduced for planned outage

Prince George residents will be without power overnight next weekend.

This is a planned outage by BC Hydro to work on its transmission system, affecting 12,092 residents from 7:00pm March 30th to 5:00am on the 31st.

The communities affected by the outage include Prince George, Beaverly, Hoferkamp, Miworth, Ness Lake, and Willow River.

BC Hydro encourages residents to plan ahead and create an outage plan, and build an emergency kit to stay self-sufficient for 72 hours.

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After an outage, they recommend everyone to not turn heating, electronics, and appliances back on immediately, and to check on your food in the fridge an freezer.

More information on the outage, and what to do, can be found on BC Hydro’s website here.

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