Prince George City Council will consider rezoning an approximately 11.2 ha portion of 9153 Twinberry Drive to allow the development of a manufactured home park.
City Council will vote on the first three readings during tomorrow’s (Monday) meeting.
This is the second time the applicant (L&M Engineering Ltd. for Westcan Property Ltd.) has applied for the area to be zoned for a manufactured home park.
In April 2023, Council denied third reading of the rezoning bylaw following concerns related to the preservation of wildlife habitat and form and character of the proposed development.
A staff report to Council says the applicant has revised their proposal within the current application to address these concerns.
This includes registering a Section 219 Covenant to limit the density to 15 units per hectare.
Additionally, the applicant collected letters of support from 49 individuals residing throughout Prince George, many of which state the need for affordable housing for first time home buyers.
Other items to be discussed at tomorrow’s meeting includes annual reports from the City’s Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusion, and the Prince George Heritage Commission.
The full agenda for tomorrow’s meeting is here.
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