Too much cologne? Need directions to a pharmacy? Bad avocados? Don’t call 9-1-1.
That’s the message E-Comm is sending out in their annual top ten reasons not to call 9-1-1.
E-Comm handles approximately two million 9-1-1 calls each year, and releases the list annually to raise awareness of the importance of keeping emergency lines open for emergencies.
This year’s top ten calls includes:
- Their neighbour was wearing too much cologne
- The dry cleaners stained their shirt
- McDonald’s wouldn’t open their doors
- They wanted directions to a 24/7 Shoppers Drug Mart
- Complaining the power was out
- Requesting technical support
- The box of 38 avocados they purchased were rotten
- They left their phone in an Uber
- Requesting help removing a wasp nest
- There was a domesticated-looking bunny in the park
“We understand that some of these situations might feel urgent to the individual in the moment, but 9-1-1 is not the appropriate number to call if your power goes out or if you require tech support,” said E-Comm Police Call Take Laura.
“We must treat every call as an emergency until we know otherwise and each second we spend responding to a call that does not belong on 9-1-1 is time we could be getting help to someone in a life-threatening emergency.”
E-Comm is asking everyone to do their part by keeping 9-1-1 lines free for in-progress emergencies that require immediate help from police, fire, or ambulance only.
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