Prince George’s unemployment rate bounced back to where it was in September at 5.5%.
The November figure is a slight dip on a month-over-month basis after the jobless mark was 5.8% in October.
As for the number of people working, Stats Canada analyst Vince Ferrao told that the employment picture saw some improvements within the last 12 months.
“In terms of the number of people working, we see that in November, there were 55,500 people that were working. A year ago, there were 53,400 people in November of 2023.”
BC’s unemployment rate saw little change shifting to 5.7% (it was 5.8% in October) where it was the second-lowest among the provinces trailing only Saskatchewan (5.6%).
Despite adding 50-thousand jobs, Canada’s jobless mark reached a near eight-year high (January 2017) at 6.8% if you exclude the pandemic years.
Here is a breakdown of all the provinces:
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- Saskatchewan 5.6%
- British Columbia 5.7%
- Manitoba 5.8%
- Quebec 5.9%
- Nova Scotia 6.1%
- New Brunswick 6.9%
- Alberta 7.5%
- Ontario 7.6%
- Prince Edward Island 8%
- Newfoundland and Labrador 10.8%