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HomeNewsVoters invited to candidate debate focused on the environment at UNBC

Voters invited to candidate debate focused on the environment at UNBC

Voters in Prince George are invited to attend a candidate debate focused on nature and climate.

The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, British Columbia (CPAWS-BC) and UNBC students are hosting the non-partisan event, with all parties from the three ridings being invited to address concerns on the matter.

So far for the Prince George-Mackenzie riding, Shar McCrory, BC NDP, James Steidle, BC Green Party and Rachael Weber, Unaffiliated, will be attending.

Independent candidate, Coralee Oakes, and BC Green Party candidate, Randy Thompson of the Prince George-North Cariboo riding confirmed their attendance.

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Youth from CPAWS-BC Youth Leaders in Conservation Program will be creating and asking candidate specific questions, with time set aside for audience questions.

Youth Leader participant, Madi Tokarchuk said “Youth are the future. With voter rates declining, we must prioritize informed voting amongst our youth.”

“Environmental issues are becoming more and more prominent every day. it is crucial that we as a society begin to shift to a more ecocentric view, and demand change and protection for the environment from our government leaders.”

The debate will be at the Weldwood Lecture Theatre at UNBC tomorrow (Wednesday) at 6:30 pm.

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