A new housing project in Prince George to assist youth and young adults has been launched.
Carrier Sekani Family Services in partnering with BC Housing, the PG Native Friendship Centre and Nezul Be Hunuyeh Child and Family Services.
Eligible clients must range between the ages of 16 and 26 and are either in-care or have been in-care.

The new home is named “Nenanute K’et’’, which means “Our Place to Dream”.
“Many young people, as they age out of full support services, remain ill-equipped to face the challenges of independent living and for many reasons have difficulty accessing secure and stable options in the current housing market,” said Mary Teegee, CSFS Executive Director of Child and Family Services.
“This housing project will ease their transition and help them build their life-skills in a safe and supportive environment where they have the peace and place to lay their heads and dream.”
Costs for rent and ongoing living expenses will be managed by the young adult and through the agreements for young adults provided through delegated Child & Family Service agencies (CSFS, NBH).
BC Housing has one building with 10 units available for post majority youth and young adults.
A second building will be available once the current occupants have vacated the building.
“The Prince George Native Friendship Centre wholeheartedly embraces this process of community-led solutions to provide Indigenous young people with safe, affordable and culturally appropriate housing. There is an extremely high number of young people ages 19-26 who are in dire need of housing as they age out of care, this unique housing model will offer immeasurable stability and support to the complex needs and uncertainties facing our young people in Prince George” said Barb Ward-Burkitt, Executive Director of the Prince George Native Friendship Centre.
“We envision a living environment for young people that promotes community interdependence that will lead to self-sufficiency and successful transitions to living and contributing to our community in a healthy manner.”
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