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HomeNewsTeachers, students, parents, adapting to new cell phone restrictions in schools

Teachers, students, parents, adapting to new cell phone restrictions in schools

“This will only work if we do it together.”

That is School District 57 Board Chair Craig Brennan’s outlook on the new restrictions on cell phones in schools that will begin to impact students next week.

These restrictions on phone use were mandated provincially earlier this year, though the specifics of how they are implemented have been left to each school district.

In SD57, elementary school students will not be granted access to phones or personal electronic devices for the duration of the school day.

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Secondary School students will be allowed access during lunch, but “this privilege may be restricted if its use disrupts instructional time learning in any way.”

There are exceptions to these rules if phones are required for a class activity or for a medical purpose.

You can find the official policy changes on page 42 of this PDF.

“This is a process that we are trying to go through that will ensure student safety and mental wellbeing,” Brennan said. “To start with, we need to make sure everyone understands why this decision has been made.”

Reception to the change from parents, students, and teachers has been mixed.

“Some people are saying it is long overdue and they are excited, other people don’t understand why the change is being put forward and how it might impact their family,” Brennan explained.

He said the district’s plan is to not be “too heavy handed” on the policy in the beginning, saying the focus in the first few weeks or months of the school season will be to “build understanding.”

“Schools are unique, and different approaches will work in different places,” Brennan continued. “It is going to be interpreted at the school level and at the classroom level, so it will look a little bit different as we start.”

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Brennan also mentioned the board has met five times over the summer to work on policy development.

According to SD57’s website, this year’s public board meetings will be help on the second Tuesday of every month at 6:00.

The 2024-25 school year begins on September 3rd.

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