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HomeNewsWildfire activity west of PG is to blame for smoky skies

Wildfire activity west of PG is to blame for smoky skies

A Smoky Skies bulletin for Prince George is expected to remain in place for much of this week according to BC’s Air Quality Assessments & Stewardship Unit.

As for where the smoke is coming from Meteorologist, Donna Haga explained provided the answers to MyPGNow.com during an interview today (Monday).

“Any fires upwind of Prince George, so towards the west right now, would be transporting smoke towards town. There are some fires in the Ootsa Lake area that are producing significant amounts of smoke.”

She added folks with pre-existing health conditions should limit their exposure outdoors until conditions improve.

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People more likely to be impacted by wildfire smoke include seniors, pregnant women and pregnant people, people who smoke, infants and young children, people who work outdoors, people involved in strenuous outdoor exercise and people with an existing illness or chronic health condition.

Those who are more likely to be impacted should reduce or reschedule strenuous activities outdoors or seek medical attention if experiencing symptoms.

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