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HomeNewsNo imminent danger to Wells or Barkerville from Antler Creek Wildfire

No imminent danger to Wells or Barkerville from Antler Creek Wildfire

Good news on the Antler Creek wildfire that has Wells and Barkerville on Evacuation Order.

Paula Wallbauer, a Fire Information Officer with the Level 1 Incident Team that has taken over that fire and is stationed in Barkerville, says conditions are currently ideal.

“We have supporting the complex 6 helicopters and 17 pieces of heavy equipment. We are seeing obviously good fire fighting weather conditions, yesterday and today. Today (Thursday) we’re expecting to see periods of rain here in the Groundhog complex, cooler temperatures within that 15 to 20 and we’re expecting winds light west to northwest.”

There are also 222 fire fighters in the Groundhog fire complex.

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Wallbauer says currently the fire is not growing in size and hasn’t moved any closer to Barkerville or Wells.

“Antler Creek, which is our wildfire of note, is currently sized at 14, 283 hectares. At this time the wildfire is about two kilometres away from Barkerville, but we’re not seeing any growth toward the community”

Wallbauer says it is still about three kilometres from Wells.

She says both areas are currently being protected as best they can.

“We have structure protection in Barkerville. They have structure protection on the heritage site here, and we have structure protection personnel who are here ready to man that should that be required. In Wells, they have also assessed Wells and have a structure defense plan for Wells as well.”

An Evacuation Order remains in place however, and Wallbauer says “we’ll have to see over the next couple of days whether or not BC Wildfire will make a recommendation, and then it will be up to the CRD and the District of Wells to decide whether that remains in place.”

The fire remains listed as out of control and is a wildfire of note.

Files by George Henderson, My Cariboo Now

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