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HomeNewsSchool District 27 expands supports following school bus incident

School District 27 expands supports following school bus incident

School District 27 is continuing its support for students and staff affected by the bus crash.

On Friday, numerous people were injured after a school bus carrying students drove off the road and down an embankment north of Lac La Hache.

One person died after being hit in a subsequent accident while trying to assist.

Supports began on Sunday, where the schools opened up to allow students, parents, and staff to gather and feel normal, as Superintendent, Chris Van Der Mark says its one thing to hear people are ok, but another thing to see it.

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Van Der Mark talks about the extra work done to help those affected.

“At school yesterday there would have been counselling services available of course if folks were to need it, but also there would be additional staff available as well to help with things as they emerge.”

Van Der Mark says they’ve been connected with services from the Ministry of Education and Safer Schools to help guide them through the situation.

He says now they’re monitoring the pieces day to day, as they’re unsure how this will affect people, but the focus is making sure people apart of the school district are getting the supports they need.

As they work through this, they will be looking at what went well in terms of their response, and what to do differently.

The school district also expressed their gratitude to their staff, first responders and passers-by who gave assistance at the scene of the bus crash.

More information can be found on School District 27’s website here.

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