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HomeNewsCity hosting open house on Carrie Jane Gray Park refurbishment

City hosting open house on Carrie Jane Gray Park refurbishment

Community members can have their on the future of Carrie Jane Gray Park tonight (Wednesday).

The City is holding an open house “to discuss and choose a concept plan for the extensive multi-year refurbishment project at Carrie Jane Gray Park.”

All are welcome to give their feedback on what can be done with the space, as well as learn more about the project.

The park spans 40 acres and encompasses basketball courts, softball diamonds, a BMX track, beach volleyball courts, a skate park, and Masich Place Stadium.

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The city hopes to upgrade and modernize the space to allow it to host national events.

They have already met with key user groups that regularly put the area to use.

The open house will be held at the YMCA from 6:00 – 8:00 on.

You can learn more about the project here.

With files from Will Peters, My Prince George Now

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