National Indigenous People’s Day kicked off with some paperwork this afternoon (Friday), the City, Lheidli T’enneh, and Regional District of Fraser Fort Geroge (RDFFG) all signed an updated Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
The MOU, which was originally signed in 2017, outlines 11 agreements between the three governing bodies.
One of the largest amendments was to add an agreement where all parties’ staffs, councils, and governments meet at least once per year.
“As we go forward in the spirit of reconciliation, we need to get into more and more details,” Prince George Mayor Simon Yu told My PG Now after the signing. “We have different priorities from time to time. The MOU reflects the current priorities and the things we need and want to achieve as a group.”
You can find the MOU here.

The kickoff to National Indigenous People’s Day was well attended in Lheidli T’enneh Memorial Park this afternoon (Friday).

Multiple local groups, businesses, food trucks and vendors had booths set up around the park as hundreds of people came out to celebrate the day in the sun.
“It is a day of celebration. It is the first day of actual summer at a gathering place, everyone comes together to celebrate,” Lheidli T’enneh Chief Dolleen Logan said. “I have always said take five minutes to learn about your local First Nations – no better way to learn than to come down to the park and have fun.”

According to Chief Logan, crowds to the annual event have only been getting bigger as the years pass – she was extra pleased to see multiple elementary schools on field trips joining in on the celebrations.
“I am older, when I grew up any First Nations things I learned were about US First Nations, not Canadian,” Logan said. “Times have changed so much, you see it over the generations. Now they come and enjoy – myself growing up, it was not something that was celebrated.”
Looking up at the clear blue sky with a smile, she added “our ancestors are working with us today. It is beautiful, we haven’t seen this since last summer.”
The celebration will last until 8:00 in the evening.
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