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HomeNewsConservatives add another BC United MLA to the fold

Conservatives add another BC United MLA to the fold

Updated Story at 2:00 pm

For the second time in less than a week, a BC United MLA has crossed the floor to join the Conservatives.

Photo credit BC Legislature.

South Surrey MLA Elenore Sturko is the latest to join the provincial Tories. This after Cariboo Chilcotin representative Lorne Doerkson made the switch on Friday.

“On the biggest issues, including affordable housing, cancelling decriminalization of deadly drugs, fixing our broken healthcare system, making our streets safe, and putting our natural resources to work growing jobs and our economy, the Conservatives make sense as that new coalition,” added Sturko.

“The BC Conservatives grassroots coalition is resonating with British Columbians as the party that can beat the NDP and bring back common sense to Victoria.”

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Nechako Lakes MLA and Party Leader John Rustad told Vista Radio the failed merger talks between the parties forced both Doerksen and Sturko to re-consider their futures.

“Both Elenore and Lorne made mention that they had hoped we’d be able to bring both parties together. Not to be unkind to my former colleagues, but leadership has been a real problem over there and it hasn’t created the windows and the opportunities to be able to build that big tent.”

When asked if there are any plans to bring on more BC United MLA’s who are considering jumping ship, Rustad noted while he can’t discuss specifics, the door remains wide open for anyone else who wants to join.

“I can’t talk publicly about any sort of discussion that we may or may not be having but as the Conservative Party of British Columbia, we are always looking for people who want to come together as being part of our grassroots movements and to bring an end to the radical policies being put forth by David Eby and his NDP government.”

Sturko was first elected to the Legislature in 2022 and spent time with the RCMP and Canadian Armed Forces as a reservist in the Royal Canadian Air Force prior to venturing into politics.

She is electing to run in the Surrey-Cloverdale riding for the Conservatives in the fall election.

In total, the Conservatives have convinced three BC United MLA’s to join – the first was Bruce Banman who is the MLA for Abbotsford South. Currently, the Tories have four MLA’s in the Legislature.

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