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HomeNewsCity Council seeks volunteer members for Bear Awareness committee

City Council seeks volunteer members for Bear Awareness committee

Prince George City Council is seeking volunteers to join the Advisory Committee on Bear Awareness.

City Council set the terms of reference for the committee at Monday’s meeting.

According to the Terms of Reference, the purpose of the committee is to advise Mayor and Council and City Staff on opportunities to increase bear-proofing and reduce bear attractants throughout Prince George to minimize human-bear conflicts in the community, and promote public and bear safety.

Meetings will be scheduled Monday to Friday between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm.

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The first meeting is expected to take place in early July.

Members of the committee are expected to meet regularly during its four-month term, and to engage in research and information gathering activities to best inform the committee’s recommendations to Council.

Applications can be done online, through email ([email protected]), or by delivering an application form to City hall.

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