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HomeNewsCity Councillors call for Community Safety Town Hall meeting

City Councillors call for Community Safety Town Hall meeting

Three Prince George City Councillors are calling for a town hall meeting on Public Safety.

A Notice of Motion is on the agenda for tomorrow’s (Monday) Prince George City Council meeting calling for the town hall meeting to happen on May 1st.

The Notice of Motion was brought forward by Councillor Kyle Sampson, and was supported by Councillors Cori Ramsay and Tim Bennett.

According to the Notice of Motion, the meeting will provide an opportunity for community members, business owners, and other stakeholders to share concerns, ask questions, and share ideas with key City of Prince George staff and members of Council in addressing the encampments and complex social issues in the community.

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It also says invitations will be sent to representatives from Northern Health and BC Housing.

The Notice of Motion also recommends a budget of up to $20,000 from the Council Contingency Fund expenses directly related to the meeting, such as venue and advertising.

A second recommendation in the Notice of Motion would have “Council commit to participating in and directs Administration to coordinate a facilitated follow up workshop with Council and Administration for the purpose of strategizing and identifying clear action items based on the information and data provided and gathered through the Town Hall at it’s soonest opportunity.”

It also recommends that Council directs administration to bring back a subsequent report to a public Council meeting with actionable items towards addressing the community’s concerns and the recommendations no later than the June 12th regular council meeting.

While the Notice of Motion appears on the agenda for tomorrow, the proposed motion will be included on the April 22nd Council Meeting Agenda for Council’s consideration.

Other items to be discussed at tomorrow’s meeting include a Mayor’s report on a Standing Committee on Public Safety.

The full agenda can be found here.

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