A busy spring break is anticipated for the Prince George International Airport.
YXS says 80% of airline seats are to be utilized over the two-week period.
President and CEO, Gord Duke told Vista Radio even with the mild weather, people are still heading to warmer climates.
“There are a lot of folks heading to Mexico. The Puerto Vallarta flight was booked full around spring break months ago. Other popular destinations are Vegas, Palm Springs and Disneyland of course.”
Duke added even the school-aged kids will be heading to some pretty cool landing spots.
“With a lot of the school groups, they are heading for really interesting trips into Europe and we even have one group heading to Japan. It’s a pretty wide variety and people are certainly excited to be taking advantage of spring break.”
Duke encourages travellers to show up earlier than usual so they can make their flights.
“I really stress that. When the airport is busy and you have a lot of folks who aren’t regular travellers, the screening process takes a little longer and we’ve got a lot of equipment moving for the Para Nordic games, which will be moving at various times.”
“You really don’t want to miss it (your flight). It’s spring break and people are usually going somewhere fun or warm and I encourage folks to come out a few minutes early.”
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