The City of Prince George could be in for another big tax increase in 2024.
During a Standing Committee on Finance and Audit meeting yesterday (Monday), a report was brought forward by Director of Finance and IT Services Kris Dalio on the operating budget guidelines for 2024-2026.
The report is estimating a 5.88 per cent tax increase for 2024.
There are also several service enhancements which could drive the increase higher.
Service enhancements being brought to council include:
- One-time funding request from REAPS – $100,000 (0.08 per cent)
- Increase the RCMP contract strength from 149 to 153. Four new members at $220,782 – $883,128 (0.68 per cent)
- Increase Police Support Service municipal employee staff by two: one transcriptionist ($77,923) and one training coordinator ($83.037) total of $160,960 (0.12 per cent)
- Increase Fire Protection staff by seven: One Fire Prevention Inspector ($141,787), one Training Branch Captain ($171,320) and five Firefighters ($118,844 each including $20,000 of clothing/training) – total of $901,327 (0.70 per cent)
- Increase Fire Protection admin staff by one full time administrative clerk – $76,519 (0.06 per cent)
- One time funding request for phase 2 of the Prince George Fire Training Site Feasibility Study – $75,000 (0.06 per cent)
Combined, the service enhancements would be a 1.70 per cent increase, bringing the total tax increase up to an estimated 7.58 per cent.
This number could change if council decides to add other budget enhancement or make cuts.
According to Dalio’s report, a one per cent increase in taxes translates to approximately $25.50 for the representative household.
The total tax increase last year was 7.58 per cent.
Budget deliberations are scheduled for the end of January.
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