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HomeNewsLiving wage in Prince George up 90 cents from last year

Living wage in Prince George up 90 cents from last year

The living wage in Prince George has gone up over the last year.

The living wage, calculated by Integris Credit Union, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, BC Office and Living Wage for Families BC, is the hourly rate two parents working full-time must earn to support a family of four based on the actual costs of living in a particular community.

According to a report from the CCPA, the living wage increased to $22.09 per hour in PG, an increase of 90 cents.

BC’s minimum wage is $16.75 an hour.

The 2023 Living Wage report shows that the Prince George living wage family has to spend over $399.69 more than last year for the same basket of goods.

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“We’re seeing a large increase in this year’s living wage, increasing due to housing costs,” said Integris Lead Marketing Analyst Cori Ramsay.

“In Prince George alone, a family is seeing an increase of $340.54 per month from their budget, and it’s about a 19.3 per cent increase.”

Ramsay noted food is the second most expensive item in the living wage budget, which increased by 6.1 per cent, an extra $69.05 per month.

In Metro Vancouver, the living wage jumped to $25.68 an hour, in Kamloops it rose to $20.91, and in Dawson Creek, it’s $20.64.

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