About 800 more people found themselves employed in Prince George during October.
According to Stats Canada’s Labour Division Survey, 53,500 residents were working in the northern capital last month, a jump from the 52,700 mark from September.
The local jobless mark now stands at 6.3% after it was 7.2 in September.
Analyst, Vince Ferrao explained to MyPGNow.com which sectors saw the biggest spikes.
“We are seeing more people working in construction and also education so those are the industries showing gains year-over-year.”
BC’s unemployment rate stayed at 5.4% for the second consecutive month – a full point behind Saskatchewan which had the lowest jobless mark among all the provinces at 4.4.
Nationally, the jobless mark rose slightly to 5.7% after it was 5.5 in September.
Even with the slight jump, the economy added 18-thousand jobs.
Here is a breakdown of all the provinces:
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- Saskatchewan 4.4%
- Quebec 4.9%
- Manitoba 5.2%
- BC 5.4%
- Alberta 5.8%
- Ontario/PEI 6.2%
- New Brunswick/Nova Scotia 6.6%
- Newfoundland and Labrador 10.0%