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HomeNews1 Million March 4 Children rally held in Prince George

1 Million March 4 Children rally held in Prince George

(D. Bain, My PG Now staff)

A crowd of about 150 people gathered outside of Prince George City Hall this morning (Wednesday), calling for the elimination of the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity curriculum from schools.

It was part of the 1 Million March 4 Children protests happening across Canada.

Speakers at the event said they were not “anti-anything”, but they’re pro-family, pro-choice, pro-honesty, pro-humanity, pro-religious rights, pro-unity, and pro-parental voices.

The protesters were met with messages supporting the LGBTQ+ community written on the sidewalk around City Hall in chalk.

This afternoon (beginning at 4:00), a “No Space for Hate” counter-protest will be held also at PG City Hall.

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