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HomeNewsSD57 on the hunt for 8th superintendent in 8 years

SD57 on the hunt for 8th superintendent in 8 years

School District 57 has hired a Vancouver-based search firm to help them find their next superintendent.

“We’re excited to begin the process of recruiting a new Superintendent to prudently manage day-to-day operations and carry out the long-term vision for our District,” said Rachael Weber, SD57’s Board Chair. “We recognize there has been some turnover in this position in recent years, and we want to ensure that we take a measured approach in recruiting the best person for the job to ensure our students receive the best education that the District can provide.”

Indeed, there has been turnover.

Since Brian Pepper resigned in 2015, six others have held the title – Sharon Cairns (interim, 2015-16), Marilyn Marquis-Forster (2016-19), Rod Allen (interim, 2019), Anita Richardson (2019-20), Cindy Heitman (2021-23), and now Pam Spooner (Interim, 2023).

Heitman was voted out of her position by the newly elected school board in a closed-door meeting this spring – something the board has not officially admitted to, but was confirmed to My PG Now by an anonymous source.

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In July, Heitman was named the new president of CNC.

Richardson took a leave of absence in 2020, and started pursing legal action against the district last summer.

SD57 hired Boyden Executive Search Firm, which they say has had experience working in a number of school districts across the province.

They will meet with rightsholders and stakeholder representatives in the coming weeks to begin the process of finding a new, permanent superintendent.

The district said staff and members of the public will also be able to provide feedback through a survey that will be posted in the first week of September.

In the release, Weber said the board is grateful for the work Spooner has done as an interim, and said “she has the full support of the board.”

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