A seven-kilometre section of the well-known Berg Lake Trail in Mount Robson Provincial Park is now open to hikers.
This following flooding damaged part of the trail near Valemount two years ago according to the province.
“BC Parks has been working hard to reopen the Berg Lake Trail in Mount Robson Provincial Park since the 2021 heat dome, rapid snowmelt and excessive rain caused substantial damage to large sections of the trail,” said George Heyman, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy. “We know people care deeply about provincial parks and want them stewarded effectively. That’s why we’re focused on building back in a climate-resilient, sustainable manner to ensure inspiring natural spaces, like Mount Robson Park, will be accessible for people to visit and enjoy for many years to come.”
Mount Robson Provincial Park is the second-oldest park in B.C. and has the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies – the 3,954-metre Mount Robson.
During peak season, the Berg Lake Trail has as many as 1,000 people hike it per day, receiving approximately 115,000 visitors annually.
In addition, stalls have been added to the trailhead parking lot, including six accessible spaces.
For the 2023 season, most of the 23-kilometre trail will remain closed for ongoing repairs.
The cost of the Berg Lake Trail parking lot expansion is approximately $714,000.
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