No more hour-long showers.
The provincial government is asking its residents to conserve water as the hot and dry conditions we have experienced are expected to continue throughout the summer.
“Everyone is responsible to do their part to conserve water and reduce the risk of negatively affecting the environment and other water users,” they said in a release. “Water suppliers and vendors are also asked to ensure that they have an adequate water supply until rainfall can improve conditions.”
If the situation gets worse, the province is warning “temporary protection orders under the Water Sustainability Act may be issued to water licensees to support drinking water for communities and avoid significant or irreversible harm to aquatic ecosystems.”
The East Peace, Fort Nelson, and Finlay areas are currently at a 4/5 drought level, with most of the rest of the province sitting between 2 and 3.
They provided some water conservation tips:
At home:
- limit outdoor watering, including lawns;
- do not water during the heat of the day or when it is windy;
- consider planting drought-tolerant vegetation;
- find ways to reduce personal water use, such as taking shorter showers and only doing full loads of dishes and laundry;
- do not leave taps running; and
- install water-efficient showerheads, taps and toilets.
On the farm:
- Â implement an irrigation-scheduling program using real-time weather data;
- schedule irrigation to match crop needs and soil storage capacity;
- improve water system efficiencies and check for leaks; and
- focus on high-value crops and livestock.
- reduce non-essential water use;
- recycle water used in industrial operations; and
- use water-efficient methods and equipment
For more information on the drought, click here.
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