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HomeNewsSix Prince George art and culture organizations receive government grants

Six Prince George art and culture organizations receive government grants

The provincial government is giving $34.5 million to arts and culture organizations around BC, six of which are in Prince George.

“The past three years have been incredibly challenging for people earning a living in the arts and culture sector,” said Lana Popham, Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport. “This funding is intended to help bolster resiliency of organizations in the industry and make a difference in addressing rising costs, so we can provide an arts and culture sector that benefits everyone, including our visitors.”

The recipients are broken down into two categories, “Arts Infrastructure Program Grant Recipients” and “Arts and Culture Resilience Supplement Recipients.”

Infrastructure grants are being given to:

  • Prince George Conservatory of Music ($24,595)
  • Prince George Potters’ Guild ($24,437)
  • The Exploration Place ($30,000)

Our resilience supplement recipients are:

  • Prince George Conservatory of Music ($18,595)
  • Prince George Folkfest Society ($30,559)
  • Prince George Symphony Orchestra ($62,319)
  • Prince Rupert Community Arts Council ($5,093)

For the full list of recipients, click here.

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