The City of Prince George has recently been polling residents regarding a potential rebranding of the city.
It would seem the results are in, and Mr. PG has been put into retirement.
A new roadside attraction will be built in Mr.

PG’s place, his name is Dewey.
The raindrop symbolizes Prince George’s transition away from the forestry industry into the hydrogen industry.
Naturally, Dewey symbolizes the Fraser and Nechako rivers as well.
“It’s always been important for us to embrace industry in Prince George. The new mascot shows the world that we are moving forward with a diversified economy,” said Mayor Simon Yu.
The construction and creation of Dewey will run the City $785,000 – he was commissioned by American Design Firm So and So.
The corner of the highway intersection isn’t the only thing getting a new look, the intersection of highway 16 and 97 itself will be receiving a massive renovation this spring – becoming a six-lane traffic circle.
“The new traffic circle is a great location for Dewey to greet visitors to Prince George. Not only will it significantly improve traffic flow in a busy area, but it will also give drivers something fun to look at,” Yu said, further adding his “goal is to eliminate all traffic lights in Prince George and replace them all with traffic circles so we can move around faster.”
“When people see Dewey, it’s hard not to think of Prince George. It truly is an embodiment of everything great about our community,” said Tourism Prince George CEO, Colin Carson. “The new mascot and roadside sculpture is anticipated to attract hundreds of thousands of tourists to our community every year. We’re excited to get rid of Mr. PG – nobody really liked him anyways.”
While construction begins on the highway this spring, Dewey will have to wait a year to take Mr. PG’s place, and is set to move in next April 1st.
For more information, click here.
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