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HomeNewsTim Bennett leaving Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Northern BC after 17...

Tim Bennett leaving Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Northern BC after 17 years

Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Northern BC is looking for a new Executive Director.

Tim Bennett is leaving the non-profit after 17 years, spending the last decade in his current role.

In an interview with MyPGNow.com, Bennett said the organization has fought through some lean years and can’t thank the community enough for their support.

“We had some struggles in 2016 and 2017. We had some issues around vandalism and theft with things like catalytic converters being taken out of our vehicles. The community has stepped up time and time again.”

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Bennett added several good memories during his tenure that comes to mind.

“One highlight that always comes to mind is the opportunity to be the charity of choice for Team BC during the 2015 Canada Winter Games and our littles getting to play floor hockey with all the Team BC athletes was a pretty cool memory.”

“You know, the role of the executive director is to really just support and enable the team to do their work and I have just been incredibly fortunate to work with a great team at Big Brothers, Big Sisters whether it’s someone in our program staff or our marketing and communications staff.”

Bennett’s last day with BIGS is on December 31st and will be joining the national team at Scouts Canada.

In addition, the BIGS Night Out Gala fundraiser raised $24,000 over the weekend surpassing the non-profit’s expectations.

Bennett stated it was a pleasant surprise after having to shift the event around.

“We didn’t know what to expect but we did for a few reasons had to postpone the event from its original date in September but we were able to welcome almost 140 people to the Courtyard Marriott on Saturday night we were able to raise about $24,000.”

“We were hoping to raise $20,000 the night of and the community once again just stepped up and showed its support. We are just really grateful that the proceeds raised are going to help us not only sustain but grow our in-school and group programming that we offer.”

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