A vote will decide if Fort George Park in Prince George gets re-named.
City Councillor Murry Krause explains what’s being proposed.
“what’s being proposed is Lheidli T’enneh Memorial Park and one of the reasons why memorial is in there is because that is where there graveyard is that was for the village”
The change is being considered due to the burial grounds located in the park.
A decision by council is expected at its Monday meeting.
Krause says he’s confident going in.
“I’m hoping that my colleagues will support it and re-name it, it will take time to get the new signage up, but I am pretty confident it will take people many years to get used to the name change”
Krause would like the name changed by June 21st to celebrate National Aboriginal Day.
Councillor Brian Skakun threw his support for the change on social media last night.
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