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HomeNewsBC Nurses' Union travelling to meet with Northern Nurses this week

BC Nurses’ Union travelling to meet with Northern Nurses this week

The BC Nurses’ Union (BCNU) is travelling throughout Northern BC this week to raise awareness about the mounting pressure on the health care system.

Their tour started with a rally in Fort St. John this afternoon. (Tuesday)

Throughout the week, their tour will continue with member meetings in Dawson Creek, Chetwynd, and Mackenzie, and will conclude with a rally in front of UHNBC in Prince George on Friday.

“Nurses in rural and remote communities, the majority of which are in Northern BC, have long been calling attention to difficulties they face when it comes to providing care,” said BCNU President Aman Grewal.

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“UHNBC was operating at 124% the other day and nurses there tell us they are simply in survival mode.”

During their tour, the Union will be meeting with community leaders, local mayors, MLAs, and nursing leaders in an effort to brainstorm solutions and discuss the crisis.

“We are asking the government, once again, to sit down at the table and come up with a plan that improves health care for northern residents and supports nurses,” Grewal added.

Friday’s rally in Prince George will start at 11:30 a.m.


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