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HomeNews20 new lightning fires in past 24 hours

20 new lightning fires in past 24 hours

20 new fire starts have occurred in the last 24 hours across the Prince George Fire Centre.

Since Friday there have been 37 fire starts in the region.

Fire Information Officer Jill Kelsh says since Friday this is unusual for this time of year to see so many lighting strike fires.

“Doesn’t happen at this time of year, we normally don’t see our lightning fires starting until late June to early July,” says Kelsh, “but its an indicator how dry the forest is out there, and we are starting to see a lot of our lightning fires occurring now.”

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Kelsh says the fire centre sends out patrol planes when they do get a lightning storm through the region so they can get to the fires before they get to big.

To report a fire dial *5555 on your cell phone.

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