The BC Coroner’s Service released a report breaking down the heat related deaths the province saw during last year’s heat dome.
Prince George saw 14 of the 619 deaths across the province, which is close to the same numbers seen in Coquitlam (14), Kelowna (15), and Kamloops (17).

But while a place like Coquitlam had a heat related death rate of 9.4 per 100,000 people, Prince George almost doubled that with a rate of 18.3 per 100,000 people.
PG, the largest city in the region, also made up the majority of heat related deaths seen in Northern Health, as the health authority saw 23 deaths in total.
BC Emergency Health Services noted that out of the calls they responded to in the province that resulted in heat related deaths, 83.4% of patients were dead at the scene.

In the report, the BC Coroner’s Service gave a list of recommendations on how to mitigate heat related deaths in the future.
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