The Climb for Cancer event started today (Sunday) at the Northern Lights Estate Winery.
People gathered to raise money for the Kordyban Lodge, and to climb the cut banks.
Snehdeep Kaur, Client Service Coordinator with the lodge, said that the services they offer allow people to stay relatively close to home while receiving treatment.
“We are almost getting 800 people per year from all over the north, and they don’t have to travel far towards Vancouver for their treatments.”
“The primary intention of the Kordyban Lodge is to create the environment that can support the cancer patients, and their family members, not only emotionally, but as well as physical and psychological well being,” added Kaur.

Mayor Lyn Hall noted that the community is coming together for this event, and that cancer affects us all.
Prince George-Mackenzie MLA Mike Morris noted that it’s because of these efforts that BC can make strides in cancer research.
“The research that is done in British Columbia here is far reaching internationally. And there’s a lot of things that we develop here in British Columbia that people aren’t aware of.”
“But we lead the way in many various things taken place in cancer research and cancer treatment right here in British Columbia, and it happens here because of you folks,” added Morris.
The Climb for Cancer event will continue until 5pm tonight.
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