Cap-Abilities Embroidery and Silkscreening has been named the official merchandiser for the 2022 BC Summer Games.
“Capabilities is excited to come on board as the Official Merchandiser for the Prince George 2022 BC Summers Games. The opportunity to be immersed in our community and support the 3,000 participants competing in July was something that we were not willing to miss,” said owner Steven Mercedes.
Some of the money from sales will be going back to the community, as 25% of the purchase of 2022 BC Summer Games Spiritwear will be going to the Prince George 2022 BC Summer Games Legacy.
“We are thrilled to invite the community to share the spirit of the Games by purchasing 2022 SpiritWear, and thank Cap-Abilities for partnering with us on this colourful initiative,” said summer games President Renee McCloskey.
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