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HomeNewsVideo being developed showcasing PG from a Ukrainian perspective

Video being developed showcasing PG from a Ukrainian perspective

With the development of the PG for Ukraine website, a video is also in the works aiming to inform Ukrainians who are BC-bound why they should choose Prince George.

Jeff Gruending runs Precision FX, where he makes videos for social media, and he talked about how the Brink Group of Companies brought him on to create this video.

“They wanted to contribute to [the PG for Ukraine website], so they hired me to basically provide my services to that organization, whatever they needed, and just kind of meet with some Ukrainians living in Prince George who have come from Ukraine, and talk about their stories, what it’s been like living here.”

Gruending said he has spoken with Father Andrii Chornenkyii of the St. George’s Ukrainian Catholic Church, UNBC basketball player Vova Pluzhnikov, as well as a family that left Ukraine and has been in PG for 30 years.

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He noted that he’s ran into a unique hurdle while putting this video together.

“Challenges for me is definitely the language barrier. I don’t speak the language, Ukrainian or Russian, so I really have to rely on translation. When I put together videos I really focus a lot on what the people are saying, and mix music along with it.”

“Even the tone of voice is different. So when they are speaking I’m not able to pick up on those cues, the vocal cues, that I would normally get with an English conversation, so putting this video together is really complicated for me in that way.”

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