A group of concerned PG residents called Ginter’s Green Forever is strongly opposed to the potential sale of land near the popular park.

They have released findings, which were collected on its behalf by a class of 3rd-year Environmental and Sustainability students at UNBC.
According to the group’s survey results, 89.7 % of respondents disagree the area should be developed and 97.5% agree it should remain a green space.
The 160 acres of the forested area, is being listed for sale at a price of just under 10-million dollars.
Organizer, Jenn Matthews spoke with MyPGNow.com.
“Forested areas like this keep our city cool during the climate crisis. They provide little pockets of essential habitat and most important for the folks living downhill of this escarpment, it is that they control for flood and erosion. The forest is dominated by broadleaf trees so that provides a natural firebreak when they are leafed out and provide fire protection for the neighbourhood.”
“Everybody in the city knows that the escarpment is super unstable and there have been problems with erosion since they built University Way in the first place.”
The area is classified as private land, which has caught a lot of people by surprise in recent days.
Matthews added when we think about this land, it really underscores a disconnect in terms of the city’s official community plan with residents who would like to see the city expand.
“So that is one area where the city could have an impact. It’s time to modernize our community plan and really emphasize true infilling in areas that have been already been deforested.”
“The area would have to be re-zoned in order to allow the kind of development the advertisers are saying could be there and when that comes up – that is when our council can stand up and have a say.”
“The area is really well used by folks and we have had people who responded and said they do photography there within the Ginter’s Meadow Park area. Even if the area behind them turns into a development that will really affect the feeling of the area,” added Matthews.
Ginter’s Green Forever will be taking action to raise awareness and look for alternatives for the areas. A link to their Facebook Page can be found here.
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