A BC program is matching farmers who are looking to retire and newcomers who are looking to enter the business.
The BC Land Matching Program is being delivered by Young Agrarians, and has created more than 200 matches, 20 of which are in Northern and Central BC.
Darcy Smith, the Program Manager with Young Agrarians, said the program was launched in 2016, and it was expanded across BC in 2018 and 2019.
“Through the program, land matchers work with land holders to assess their land for agricultural potential. They support new farmers with business planning to ensure they are ready to start the farm business, and connected to all the resources they need.”
“And then we make introductions to match farmers with the most suitable land opportunity, and land holders with the best farmers for them and their land,” added Smith.
Some of the areas in the North/Central region that have seen these connections come through is in Dawson Creek, near Pouce Coupe, where a farming couple with 65 hectares of land wanted to retire, and near Punchaw Lake, southwest of Prince George, where a couple is transitioning to take over 392 hectares of land.
Smith said they’ve also had to take into account the differences they’ve seen between land in the south versus land in the north.
“Land in southern BC is extremely expensive on a per acre basis. The land per acre in Northern BC seems perhaps more affordable, but what we’re hearing on the ground from people trying to get started is that the per acre price may be lower, but you need more acres to make a viable start.”
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