A Prince George man is the recipient of the 2021 Medal of Good Citizenship.
David Horton is one of the directors for the Ness Lake Bible Camp, and has been putting together community events and raising money for charities ever since the pandemic began.
Horton said receiving the call that he had won this award meant a lot.
“I can tell you when they called I burst into tears. It’s been a long haul for a lot of people. Getting the phone call, and just saying you’ve been nominated, and not only have you been nominated, but you’re going to receive the medal is super humbling.”
He said the events that were put on wouldn’t have been possible without help.
“You can’t run things like Candy Cruise or The Family Day Adventure, because you can’t do that yourself, and so, getting to represent the hard work of hundreds of Prince George volunteers and people who just showed up on their own time is super honouring and super humbling.”
Horton added that the community’s response to COVID-19 was amazing.
“Prince George is unmatched in what it did throughout the pandemic. From Hearts of PG, to the Birthday Parade people, to the drumming group at the hospital, this community has to be one of the best communities in Canada to have been in throughout the pandemic, hands down. We did so much stuff together, and made so many initiatives happen, that we’re just citizens standing up and doing stuff.”
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