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HomeNews$24k going towards recasting PG Terry Fox statue

$24k going towards recasting PG Terry Fox statue

The Terry Fox statue in Prince George will see a new home at the new downtown swimming pool, but the move brought up some issues with the statue.

The fiberglass artwork is cracking, and water can get into it and compromise the structural integrity, so the City is looking to recast the work in bronze.

“Administration is recommending that the statue be recast in bronze, as it’s one of the most durable materials. It can withstand extreme weather, freeze/thaw cycles, and also withstand attempts at willful damage,” said Senior Manager for Strategic Initiatives Chris Bone at last night’s (Monday) city council meeting.

“The cost to recast the statue is estimated to be about $24,250.”

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Due to this being an unbudgeted expense, Bone requested the funds come from the Festival/Discovery Place Trust fund that was set aside for public art in downtown PG.

There was $35,373 set aside, and Bone said she would like to use the remainder of the money to repair and refurbish other art projects in the city as well.

Councillor Garth Frizzell supported the project, and said our Terry Fox statue is special.

“I’ve seen statues of Terry Fox all across the country, and they’re typically ones of the agony, and the pain, and the suffering. Prince George’s is all but unique for this being the moment when he realized he could do the marathon of hope.”

The project passed unanimously, and it was noted that an updated Arts Strategy was in the works for a future council meeting as well.

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