BC said an environmental assessment certificate will not be issued to Pacific Booker Minerals Incorporated (PBM) for the Morrison Copper/Gold Project.
According to the province, the company proposed an open-pit copper, gold and molybdenum mine and ancillary facilities, northeast of Smithers.
The project had a footprint of 2,028 hectares and production of 30,000 tonnes per day.
The proposed mine site was located on the territory of the Lake Babine Nation, and upstream of the territories of the Gitanyow and Gitxsan First Nations.
A portion of the transmission line was on the territory of Yekooche First Nation in Prince George.
PBM originally applied for an environmental certificate in 2010 but it was refused by ministers in 2012.
Ministers said that:
- There is potential to affect a unique wild sockeye salmon population that contributes to the Skeena River sockeye
- The potential for long-term liability for the province and risk to the environment were not acceptable in this case
- There is insufficient data about Morrison Lake and the potential diminished long-term water quality in Morrison Lake was not an acceptable risk
A judicial review of the decision was initiated and in December 2013 the B.C Supreme Court set aside the 212 decision.
The province said the company has not submitted additional information to demonstrate that risks to water quality and fish can be suitably mitigated by the Morrison Copper/Gold Project.
Files from Lindsay Newman, MyBulkleyLakesNow
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