Fire Chief Cliff Warner is taking the helm of Prince George’s Fire Rescue Services and has some plans to update the organization.
Warner said they are in the works of building a report.
“Probably our big item for this year is to look at providing a report to council on a longer-term strategic plan for the fire department. The last one was done in 2015, and we want to take that document and enhance it.”
He added one of the big successes of the strategic plan was the new fire hall, but notes that wasn’t the only thing in the document.
“There are a couple of other items, the key recommendations. One of them is a recommendation for an actual formalized training facility for the fire department.”
Prince George doesn’t have a training facility for the fire department, and has had to send off firefighters to Fort Saint James in the past, and more recently Quesnel.
“The lion’s share of our training is done on shift while the members are working. There are some instances where members are required to train off shift. Depending on what the training is, we are required at some points to send members away if it’s specialized training.”
$60,000 was approved by City Council during budget talks for a Fire and Rescue consultant.
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